Acupuncture to help Dental problems

or Dental Acupuncture

What is it?

Kim has been at the forefront of research into the subject of Dental Acupuncture, having written a dissertation on the subject. He has used Acupuncture whilst the patient was in the Dentist's chair to anaesthetise the patient's jaw, stop gagging whilst the patient had impressions done and to calm the patients anxiety. Acupuncture for Dentistry recently has been the subject of a lot of research. Dentists and Dental Surgeons are beginning to see that Acupuncture is a very worthwhile tool, it can be of great benefit to the patient and make the Dentist's job easier.

What Happens?

You will go initially, to the Acupuncture Clinic in Preston, Paignton. Here Kim will discuss with you any medical problems which you may have. How Acupuncture works.  He will discuss how he can treat you at his clinic for various problems associated with Dentistry. Kim will take a case history, take your pulse and look at your tongue so that he is able to diagnose the state of your health. He will then be able to plan the best treatment to suit you as an individual. He will Cartoondemonstrate to you just how painless Acupuncture is.  He will also discuss the options of whether he will need to come with you to your Dentists and if he comes what will happen and how he will be able to help your problems. Unfortunately most of the Dentists in Torbay are 'behind the times' and so may not allow me to come with you. The Dentist I worked with retired which was such a pity as we did some good work together.

At the Acupuncture Clinic

Acupuncture can help many problems including Ear disorders, Eye problems, facial paralysis, Hay fever, Insomnia, Laryngitis, Migraines and Headaches, Nerve pain, Facial, Head and Neck pain, Post operative pain, Smoking cessation, Jaw ache, Toothache, Sinusitis, Xerostomia (dry mouth) including that caused by Radiotherapy. It can even help with recuperation from Stroke.

At the Dentist's

Anxiety, Gagging, Nausea can all be treated. Also if you are allergic to or don’t like Anaesthesia, Acupuncture can often be used as an alternative. ( I use this myself )

Kim will meet you at the Dentist’s fifteen minutes before you are due for treatment, he will take you into a separate room where you will be prepared (if not then, the waiting room). The treatment would have been previously discussed so you are at ease. When the Dentist is ready, you will be shown to Dentist’s chair ready for treatment. Kim will stay with you to make sure you are comfortable and relaxed. If you are not sure please telephone to enquire. Many other problems can also be addressed with Acupuncture, please see the "What can be treated page for this".

Acupuncture is a viable, reliable and safe complement to Dentistry and as such should be offered to as many patients as possible.


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