01803 525019 Mob. 07901 888586
34 manor Road, Preston, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2HR
Cost; £45, treatment takes about 1 hour.
were formed. Needles were made of Bronze and Iron. 200 BC the 'Nei Jing' was published, this is the book that most Traditional Acupuncture is based on. 562 AD China presented books and charts to Japan. 618-907 AD Tang Dynasty. An Imperial medical...
What happens first time? On Your first visit to Torbay Acupuncture Clinic you may be with me for up to 2 hours depending on your ailments although 1 hour is usually sufficient. I will spend time taking a diagnostic history, this will involve making...
Shop who are not so choosy about what they sell. Every year a staggering 150 MILLION (plus) seahorses are used in the Traditional Medicine Trade, this is just not sustainable, they could be extinct in the wild within the next 20 to 30 years, unless we...
I can now supply 17 different food supplements that work on Chinese principles,
an example is below;
Yin Xu
Nourishes Yin and Xue.
Gou Qi Zi, Sang Shen Zi and Huang Jing nourish Shen-Yin and Jing, as well as supporting Gan-Xue. Shan Yao and Wu Wei Zi consolidate Jing while Shan Yao also helps support After-Heaven Qi and Fu Ling helps counteract the cloying nature of the Yin nourishing herbs.
They are not"Patent Herbs" but Food Supplements,
01803 525019 Mob. 07901 888586
34 manor Road, Preston, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2HR
Cost; £45, treatment takes about 1 hour.